What is Instagram’s top? Secrets and tips on how to get to the top of Instagram publications, as well as a selection of services that can help in this difficult matter you will find in our article. Top Instagram shows the leaders of the network.
Taking an attractive position in this ranking is a desirable goal for everyone, it will allow them to draw attention to its activities. But social media algorithms want to offer users only the best of the best, so they carefully select the publications and videos that make it to the Top. To count on a warm spot on this list, you need to convince the network filters that your content is in demand and popular.
How to get to the top of Instagram – all options

Let’s understand what the network algorithms pay attention to and what will help you get into the top popular Instagram accounts.
- The main criteria that the system takes into account are the reactions of users. How actively people like and comment on your posts, so successful will be the promotion of the publication. It is important to motivate as many users to express their emotions under the publication, it shows that many people regard it as interesting and useful. Consequently, the algorithm will make every effort to help with promotion and familiarize more people with the relevant content. To achieve this, you can use a question in the description of the post, voting or contests.
- The number of subscribers also affects the rating formation, but not directly, but indirectly. A large number of subscribers as a fact will not allow you to display videos in the top of Instagram (or other content), but their measured and constant increase tells algorithms about the interested audience and the natural progression. You can get more subscribers thanks to this service https://poprey.com/instagram_followers.
- Today, average users of networks are in no hurry to show emotion and give likes to every publication in the feed, there are too many of them and people are already saturated with the content. But if a user sees a post, which may be useful for him, he is likely to save it in his bookmarks. Of course, there are algorithms that keep things in order on Instagram, but they are written by people who understand this very well. Therefore, the more saves, the closer to the Top. As a rule, such great honor is given to posts with recipes, tips, infographics, various selections and the like.
- On Instagram, you can add tags to each post. Hashtags and geo position are a must, this should not be neglected. It is through these tags you can be found by users interested in the topic, give them the opportunity. On how to properly use hashtags, you can find more information on the Internet.
- There is another factor that algorithms consider – speed. How quickly your post spreads across the social networking space determines the likelihood of being among the leaders. To help your post gain the desired metrics, you can add more views to your Instagram post.
- Not so long ago, the leaders of the Top became only the publications of the stars and this is understandable – they have a multimillion army of fans and all their publications instantly become public. But today, almost everyone has such an opportunity, and here’s why: algorithms take into account other indicators of engagement. For example, a post is viewed by 100 users and liked by just over 50 instagram followers in the form of likes and comments. It costs a lot to get the reaction of half of those who viewed, so the post has a similar chance of making it to the top, compared to the opinion leader. That is why it is so important to take care of the indicators, because only based on this data and algorithms evaluate the content being posted, and make a decision to help promote it.